它只是告诉你,你的人生需要一点装饰才能变得更绚烂,它只是告诉你,我们的生活态度该来些不一样的东西。 Sometimes it sucks being strong.Because when people know that you are strong,they think that it is okay to hurt you,over and over again.有时候坚强并不是什么好事情,因为有些人会认为你坚强,所以伤害你问题不大,于是一再的伤害你… I always wonder how things would have turned out if I made a different decision.我总在想,要是我做了不同的选取,事情又会变成怎样。
Smile, because you're beautiful while you are smiling; keep strong, because haters can't bring you down.生活或糟或好,早上起来后,都感激能再多活一天吧。 There's a game which has been enduringly adored among people called"You mean it,you lose it."。
Joseph Addison. American wreter美国作家艾迪生.J.A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world.知足是人生在世最大的幸事。
英国剧作家肖伯纳.G. A lifetime of happiness!No man alive could bear it; it would be hell on erath.G.Bernard Shaw.British dramatist终身幸福!这是任何活着的人都无法忍受的,那将是人间地狱。英国历史学爱、散文家卡莱尔.T. A well-written life is almost as rare as a well-spent one.Thomas Carlyle, British historian and essayist写得很好的生活和过得很好的生活几乎一样少。
英国诗人考伯.W. Absence of occupation is not rest, a mind quite vacant is a mind distress.William Cowper, British poet无所事事不是休息,十分空虚的心灵是痛苦的心灵。美国社会学家萨姆纳.W.G.All the blessings we enjoy are the fruits of labor, toil, and self-denial, and study.Willian Graham Sumner, American sociologist我们得到的一切幸福都是劳动、辛苦、自我克制和学习的成果。
英国诗人蒲伯.A. Blessed is the man who expects nothing, for he shall not be disap-pointed.Alexander Pope. British Poet一无所求的人是幸福的,因为他永远也不会失望。古雅典政治家梭伦 Call no man happy till he dies, he is at best but fortunate.Solon, ancient Athenian statesman人不进棺材,谁也称不上幸福,而至多不过是幸运。
古罗马政治家伯修斯.A.M.S.For in all adversity of fortune the worst sort of misery is to have been happy.A.M S. Boethius, Ancient Roman statesman在所有不幸中,最不幸的事是曾经幸福过。英国剧作家杰罗尔德.D.W.Happiness grows at our own firesides, and is not to be picked in strangers" garden.D.W.Jerrold, British dramatist幸福生长在我们自己的火炉边,而不能从别人的花园中采得。
美国作家霍桑.N. Happiness is a butterfly, which,when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.N. Hawthorn, American writer幸福是一只蝴蝶,你要追逐它的时候,总是追不到;但是如果你悄悄地坐下来,它也许会飞落到你身上。英国作家杰克逊.H. Happiness is a form of courage. H.Jackson, British writer幸福是勇气的一种形式。
美国精神病学家托马斯. S. Happiness is an imaginary condition, formerly often attributed by the living to the dead, now usually attributed by adults to children, and by childuren to adults.Szasz Thomas, American psychiatrist幸福是想象中的东西。从前,生者认为死者幸福,孩子则认为大人幸福。
英国法学家波洛克.C. Happiness is a way station between too much and too little.C.Pollock,British jutist幸福是太多和太少之间的一站。美国总统罗斯福的夫人埃莉诺 Happiness is not a goal, it is a by--product.Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, American president"s wife幸福不是目的,而是一种副产品。
美国钢琴家利万特.Happiness is not something you experience; it"s something you re-member.O.Levant, Ameican pianist幸福不是你经历的事,而是你记得的事。英国剧作家肖伯纳.G.Happy is the man who is living by his hobby.G.Bernard. Shaw, British dramatist醉心于某种癖好的人是幸福的。
法国女作家乔治·桑 Happiness lies in the consciousness we have of it.George Sand, French woman writer幸福在于自知拥有幸福。美国总统罗斯福. F.Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.Frandlin Roosevelt, American President.幸福不在于拥有金钱,而在于获得成就时的喜悦以及产生创造力的激情。
英国作家约翰逊.S. Hope is itself a species of happiness which this world affords.Samuel Johnson. British writer.希望本身是一种幸福,也许是这个世界能提供的主要的幸福。美国总统富兰克林.B.Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day.Benjamin Franklin, American president与其说人类的幸福来自偶尔发生的鸿运,不如说来自每天都有的小实惠。
美国博物学家雷伊.J Industry is fortune"s right hand, and frugality her left.John Ray, Averican naturalist勤劳是财富的右手,节俭是她的左手。美国女散文家里普利厄.A. It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.A. Repplier, American fimale essayist要在自身找到幸福是不容易的,要在别的地方找到幸福则是不可能的。
美国作家塞尔斯.L.R.Jobs and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happi-ness and contentment.Leonard R. Sayles, American writer职业和工作在使人得到幸福与满足方面所起的作用比我们大多数意识到的要多得多。美国作家棱罗.H.D. Man is the artificer of his own happiness.Henry David Thoreau, American writer人是自己幸福的设计者。
美国总统林肯.A. Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.Abraham Limcoln. American。
The Goodness of Life(e68a84e8a2ade799bee5baa6e997aee7ad9431333332623366by Ralph Marston) Though there is much to be concerned about, there is far, far more for which to be thankful. Though life's goodness can at times be overshadowed, it is never outweighed. For every single act that is senselessly destructive, there are thousands more small, quiet acts of love, kindness and compassion. For every person who seeks to hurt, there are many, many more who devote their lives to helping and to healing. There is a goodness to life that cannot be denied. In the most magnificent vistas and in the smallest details, look closely, for that goodness always comes shining through. There is no limit to the goodness of life. It grows more abundant with each new encounter. The more you experience and appreciate the goodness of life the more there is to be lived. Even when the cold winds blow and the world seems to be covered in foggy shadows, the goodness of life lives on. Open your eyes, open your heart, and you will see that goodness everywhere. Though the goodness of life seems at times to suffer setbacks, it always endures. For in the darkest moments it becomes vividly clear that life is a priceless treasure. And so the goodness of life is made even stronger by the very things that would oppose it. Time and time again when you feared it was gone forever you found that the goodness of life was really only a moment away. Around the next corner, inside every moment, the goodness of life is there to surprise and delight you. Take a moment to let the goodness of life touch your spirit and calm your thoughts. Then, share your good fortune with another. For the goodness of life grows more and more magnificent each time it is given away. Though the problems constantly scream for attention and the conflicts appear to rage ever stronger, the goodness of life grows stronger still, quietly, peacefully, with more purpose and meaning than ever before.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------。
〖One〗、Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud.博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲。
〖Two〗、Let bygones be bygones.过去的就让它过去吧。 〖Three〗、Man proposes, God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。
〖Four〗、Nothing brave, nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 〖Five〗、Nothing seek, nothing find.没有追求就没有收获。
〖Six〗、Obedience is the first duty of a soldier.军人以服从命令为天职。 〖Seven〗、One hour today is worth two tomorrow.争分夺秒效率高。
【let you see through the life of the past seven words not come back】 1 And came back no longer perfect.2 If not strong,weak and to whom?3 With mixed feelings,to see the complexity of life,and take the complicated way.4 With the indifferent attitude of the students would have a good go with the flow.5 Occasional recall the past,I feel my life is worse off.6 Were waiting,failure,life is so intertwined.7 Is not not to us,but more suitable for you.。
A contented is a perpetual feast
A mill cannot grind with the water that is past.
Procrastination is the thief of time.
3. Take it easy, man. Its not that big of adeal.
4. Keep your chin up. Everything will be all right.
5. Be more opti mistic! Its not the end of the world.
6. Heaven will always leave a door open.
7. Dont get down. Things will work out eventually.
8. Laugh, and the world will laugh with you.
9. Hang in there!/ Stick to it! The victory will go to you in theend.
10. Life is full of trial and error. One failure doesnt mean youre outofthe picture.
The first step is always the hardest
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again
Make hay while the sun shines
There's more than one way to skin a cat
Two heads are better than one
Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today
Chapter IIf I understand the idea, the BAZAR invites several of us towrite upon the above text. It means the change in my life'scourse which introduced what must be regarded by me as the mostIMPORTANT condition of my career. But it also implies--withoutintention, perhaps--that that turning-point ITSELF was thecreator of the new condition. This gives it too muchdistinction, too much prominence, too much credit. It is onlythe LAST link in a very long chain of turning-points commissionedto produce the cardinal result; it is not any more important thanthe humblest of its ten thousand predecessors. Each of the tenthousand did its appointed share, on its appointed date, inforwarding the scheme, and they were all necessary; to have leftout any one of them would have defeated the scheme and broughtabout SOME OTHER result. It know we have a fashion of saying"such and such an event was the turning-point in my life," but weshouldn't say it. We should merely grant that its place as LASTlink in the chain makes it the most CONSPICUOUS link; in realimportance it has no advantage over any one of its predecessors. Chapter IIattitude to life We have a saying"destiny" character creation, therefore, attitude, character and personality is=== attitude is destiny, so if the right attitude fate, fate nature also went toward the direction of"correct" development, it is logical, but in the life"attitude" how to"set"? But what is more complex, more likely, it is not so simple, or just take a single options can finish. Because of"life", the life span 70 to estimate assume a paragraph, such as 10 years before and after 10 years of life needs and ideological attitude is not the same growth to 20 years old, he again into 30 acceptable and the environment is not the same, and so on, has grown to 70 years old, affirmation is living in another world, so that each to a stage, it must be different degree of growth, and learn the different environment, needs and responsibility or said. Also means different stages, will have different life"attitude", will make the necessary adjustments"attitude", to face your own health life. Basically should cultivate themselves, keep the following principles can: 1. With an open mind 2 the attitude to learn 3 good interpersonal interaction relationship 4 maintain healthy body 5. Have a happy family 6 work or business can be stable development 7. To see the future prospects If can be more"attitude", I dare say:you are a the happiest person in the world.以下是这篇文章的汉语,由于本人不是很专业,所以请楼主对细节地方再做一下完善:人生态度我们有句话说“性格创造命运”,因此,态度就=性格,性格又=命运,所以态度就=命运,如果态度正确了,命运自然也就朝往“正确”的方向发展了,这是必然的逻辑但在人生的“态度”上要如何“设定”?可就比较复杂些,更可能,就并不是那么简单了,或只采取单一选项就能完成。
基本上应该培养自己,时时保持以下几个原则即可: 1.开阔的心胸与视野 2.积极学习的态度来充实内在 3.建立良好人际互动的关系 4.保持健康的体魄 5.拥有一个美满的家庭 6.工作或事业都能稳定发展 7.能看到未来的远景如能心存以上的“人生态度”,我敢说你定是一位世界上最幸福的人。
Elderly people are worn with age, so it is even more important for them to take part in exercise老年人年老体衰更应该参加一些适当的**锻炼。 He goes for a long-distance run every day at a specific time他每天都定时进行长跑锻炼。
Elderly people are worn with age, so it is even more important for them to take part in exercise老年人年老体衰更应该参加一些适当的**锻炼。 He goes for a long-distance run every day at a specific time他每天都定时进行长跑锻炼。
Doing sit-ups is an effective way to exercise abdominal muscles仰卧起坐是锻炼腹部肌肉的有效办法。 Early in the morning people may be seen doing exercise Martial arts(like Chinese boxing) which formerly were cultivated for self-defense, now have become a form of physical exercise and are practiced in parks, streets, gardens, or on campuses In addition young and old people are also often seen running in order to build up their bodies每天早上,都可看见很多人在运动。
还有,经常看见不论老人还是青年都在跑步,他们也是为了强身健体。 He keeps exercising all year around, even in the hottest days in summer and the coldest days in winter他常年坚持锻炼,冬练三九,夏练三伏。
In morning, there are a lot of old men doing exercise in the park早上在公园锻炼的老头儿特别的多。 I've just learned how to exercise with clubs我新学了一套棒操锻炼身体。
My grandfather exercises with his healthcare balls every day我爷爷每天都拿着保健球锻炼。 No matter how cold it gets, we must all stick to our exercise routine不管天气多么寒冷,我们都要坚持锻炼。
People are toughened by difficult experiences艰苦的环境锻炼人的意志。 Regular physical exercises can strengthen one's resistance against illness经常锻炼身体,能够提高人体的抵抗力。
She fixed the exercise time for Saturday afternoons她把锻炼的时间固定在星期六下午。 She was very busy at work, but she managed to stick to her exercise regime工作很忙,但是她还坚持锻炼。
Thanks to his persistent physical exercise, he looks healthy, with white hair and a ruddy complexion由于长期坚持**锻炼,他看起来鹤发童颜。 The army is a place where people can build their character部队是一个锻炼意志的大熔炉。
The child has a weak constitution and is struck ill from time to time Lack of exercise is part of the reason这孩子从小就体弱多病,这都是缺乏**锻炼造成的。 The sportsmen are exercising to improve the strength of the muscles on their legs运动员们正在锻炼,以便加强腿部肌肉的力量。
We should keep on developing our ability to think logically and exercise speculative thinking我们要不断地培养自己的思辨能力、锻炼思辨性思维。 We should take exercise to build up resistance to disease我们应该坚持锻炼以增强对疾病的抵抗力。
You should exercise more, you've already out of breath after completing such a small task你应该多锻炼锻炼了,才干了这么点力气活就抽气得不行。 Doing sit-ups is an effective way to exercise abdominal muscles仰卧起坐是锻炼腹部肌肉的有效办法。
Early in the morning people may be seen doing exercise Martial arts(like Chinese boxing) which formerly were cultivated for self-defense, now have become a form of physical exercise and are practiced in parks, streets, gardens, or on campuses In addition young and old people are also often seen running in order to build up their bodies每天早上,都可看见很多人在运动。武术(像太极拳)以前都是用于防卫的,现在已经变成是一种强身健体的运动了。
Elderly people are worn with age, so it is even more important for them to take part in exercise老年人年老体衰更应该参加一些适当的**锻炼。 He goes for a long-distance run every day at a specific time他每天都定时进行长跑锻炼。
He keeps exercising all year around, even in the hottest days in summer and the coldest days in winter他常年坚持锻炼,冬练三九,夏练三伏。 In morning, there are a lot of old men doing exercise in the park早上在公园锻炼的老头儿特别的多。
I've just learned how to exercise with clubs我新学了一套棒操锻炼身体。 My grandfather exercises with his healthcare balls every day我爷爷每天都拿着保健球锻炼。
No matter how cold it gets, we must all stick to our exercise routine不管天气多么寒冷,我们都要坚持锻炼。 People are toughened by difficult experiences艰苦的环境锻炼人的意志。
Regular physical exercises can strengthen one's resistance against illness经常锻炼身体,能够提高人体的抵抗力。 She fixed the exercise time for Saturday afternoons她把锻炼的时间固定在星期六下午。
Playing sports is good for our health. When you are playing sports, your heart will beating fast and force it to pump more blood to your whole body. This could improve your cardiorespiratory function. It's also a good way for people to comunicate with each other. When you play basket ball with your friends, you will feel happier than staying home alone.望采纳谢谢。
aerobics有氧操,body-building健美,jogging慢跑,judo柔道,wresting摔跤,ball games球类运动,football足球,basketball篮球,tennis网球,squash壁球,rugby橄榄球,volleyball排球,golf高尔夫球,table tennis乒乓球,badminton羽毛球,baseball棒球,cricket板球,hockey曲棍球,billiard台球,softball垒球,ice hockey冰球,aquatic sports水上运动,country sports乡间户外活动(如打猎,钓鱼,射击,赛马等)a favourite sport受人喜爱的运动项目,the school sports学校运动会,sports extra**增刊,a sports meet [meeting]运动会,a sports field运动场,sportscast n., v.[美](播送)**节目,sportscaster n.**节目广播员,sports-down n. [美]运动界,sports-minded adj.关心**的,sportswriting n.**新闻的报道或写作,sports-wear n.运动服装,sports-writer**运动专栏作家,sportsdom [美]**界有关运动的人员:amateur业余运动员,爱好者,contestant, competitor, player运动员,enthusiast, fan迷,爱好者,guide领队,instructor教练,技术指导,linesman, touch judge(橄榄球)裁判,manager经纪人,professional职业运动员,referee, umpire(网球.棒球)裁判,trainer助理教练,batsman板球运动员,batter击球运动员,men's singles单打运动员,in the mixed doubles混合双打足球运动员 a football player守门员 the goalkeeper运动员,田径运动员 an athlete/ a sportsman/ a sports-woman职业/业余运动员(球类运动员)a professional/ amateur player教练 the coach他的对手 his opponents/ rivals**设施词汇:sports stadium露天运动场,football stadium有看台的大型足球场,children's stadium儿童运动场,ice stadium冰场,swimming stadium有看台的游泳场,football pitch足球场,rugby pitch橄榄球场,hockey pitch曲棍球场,cricket pitch板球场,swimming pool游泳池,natatorium(室内游泳池),tennis court网球场,basketball court篮球场,squash court壁球场,volleyball court排球场,badminton court羽毛球场,golf course高尔夫球场,exercise area运动区,ice [skating] rink溜冰场,ping pong tables乒乓球案奥运会 the Olympic Games东道国 the host nation火把点燃仪式 the flame-lighting ceremony开幕式/闭幕式 the opening/ closing ceremony发奖仪式 the prize-awarding ceremony(田径)比赛 a competition/ contest锦标赛 a championship(球类)比赛 a match/ game奥运中常见比赛项目:badminton羽毛球, basketball篮球, baseball棒球, football足球, handball手球, hockey曲棍球, tennis网球, volleyball排球, canoeing划艇, diving跳水, rowing划船, swimming游泳, synchronised swimming同游表演, water polo水球, high jump跳高, hurdles跳栏赛跑, the high [low]高[低]栏赛跑, long jump跳远, Marathon马拉松长跑, pole vault撑杆跳, 20 km and 50 km road walk, triathlon三项全能运动, Floor Exercises自由体操, gymnastics体操, balance bars平衡杆, horizontal bar单杠, parallel bars双杠, rings吊环, archery箭术, boxing拳击, cycling骑自行车比赛, discus掷铁饼, equestrian骑马, fencing剑术, javelin投枪, judo柔道, Pommel Horse鞍马, shooting射击, shot put推铅球, taekwondo跆拳道(亦作T-K-D), weightlifting举重, wrestling摔跤, track and field athletics田径赛,田径运动favourite可望取胜者(美作:favorite),outsider无取胜希望者,championship冠军赛,锦标赛,champion冠军,record纪录,record holder纪录创造者,ace网球赛中的一分,Olympic Games, Olympics奥林匹克运动会,Winter Olympics冬季奥林匹克运动会,stadium运动场,track跑道,ring圈,ground, field场地,pitch(足球、橄榄球)场地,court网球场,team, side队滑雪滑冰运动:skiing滑雪,ski滑雪板,滑雪橇,downhill race速降滑雪赛,滑降,slalom障碍滑雪,ski jumping competition跳高滑雪比赛,ski jump跳高滑雪,ice skating滑冰,figure skating花样滑冰,roller skating滑旱冰,bobsleigh, bobsled雪橇游泳运动:swimming pool游泳池,changing room更衣室,shower淋浴,diving platform跳台,diving pool跳水池,non-swimmer's pool浅水池,swimmer's pool深水池,swimming lane泳道,lifesaver, lifeguard救生员,breaststroke蛙泳,crawl stroke爬泳,back stroke仰泳,side stroke侧泳,butterfly stroke蝶泳,surfing冲浪,surfboard冲浪板,water ski滑水橇自行车:cyclist骑自行车者,bicycle, cycle, bike自行车,cycle track自行车赛车道,cycling自行车赛,to ride a bicycle骑自行车,hand signals手势, tandem双轮双座自行车,racing cycle公路赛车,cycling stadium自行车赛车场。
Life is movement.〖Two〗、身体健康者常年轻。Good health is always young.〖Three〗、活动是生活的基础!Activity is the foundation of life!〖Four〗、更高、更快、更强!Higher, faster, stronger!〖Five〗、活动有方,五脏自和。
Well, five zang-organs and.〖Six〗、缓慢而有恒赢得竞赛。Slow and persistence won the competition.〖Seven〗、从小不动,长大无用。
Grew up, useless.〖Eight〗、我健身,所以我健康。So I am healthy, I exercise.〖Nine〗、磨练肌胳,防病御症。
Hone muscle, preventing disease.〖Ten〗、运动运动,病魔难碰。Exercise, the disease is difficult to touch.1〖One〗、人怕不动,脑怕不用。
People fear, afraid of brain.1〖Two〗、健身不断,健康相伴。By the fitness, health.1〖Three〗、跳绳踢毽,病少一半。
Jump rope, kick the shuttlecock, half.1〖Four〗、运动是一切生命的源泉。Sport is the source of all life.1〖Five〗、人是动物,不动成废物。
Man is an animal, and not move into waste.1〖Six〗、丰收靠劳动健身靠运动。Harvest by labor fitness by movement.1〖Seven〗、如果你想聪明,跑步吧!If you want to smart, running!1〖Eight〗、健身能长寿,不容再等候。
Fitness can live a long life, not wait.1〖Nine〗、以自然之道,养自然之身。In a natural way, nature's body.20、同一个世界,同一个梦想。
One world, one dream.2〖One〗、多一分运动,少一分病痛。More exercise and less pain.2〖Two〗、卫生是妙药,锻炼是金丹。
Health is a bullet, exercise are then.2〖Three〗、科学的基础是健康的身体。Science is the foundation of a healthy body.2〖Four〗、饭后百步走,活到九十九。
After supper walk, live to be ninety-nine.2〖Five〗、站如松,坐如钟,走如风。Stop such as pine, such as bell, the wind.2〖Six〗、墙靠基础坚,身强靠锻炼。
Wall on the basis of strong, body strong by exercise.2〖Seven〗、练出一身汗,小病不用看。Build a sweat, ailment without looking at.2〖Eight〗、迷雾打拳操,毒气冲七窍。
The fog QuanCao, gas and 7.2〖Nine〗、**是全社会共同的语言。Sports is the whole society's common language.30、枪不擦不亮,人不练不壮。
Guns don't wipe not bright, people don't practice is not strong.3〖One〗、练足精气神,不进医院门。Asana vitality, not the hospital door.3〖Two〗、生命像河流,运动防腐臭。
Life is like a river, movement against the moldy.3〖Three〗、天天练身子,远离药铺子。Every day to practice body, away from the medicine shop.3〖Four〗、一日舞几舞,活到九十五。
One day a few dance dance, live to be ninety-five.3〖Five〗、天天练长跑,年老变年少。Practice running every day, old young.3〖Six〗、运动劲出来,歇着病出来。
Sports strength, against the disease.3〖Seven〗、人胖多运动,人丑多看书!People move more fat, ugly many books!3〖Eight〗、今日不运动,来日悔晚矣。Today don't exercise, every regret later in the future.3〖Nine〗、多做运动,强化身体机能。
Do more exercise, strengthen the body function.40、早起活活腰,一天精神好。
If you insist on your price and refuse to make any concession, there will be not much point in further discussion。如果你方坚持自己的费用,不作让步,我们没有必要再谈下去了。
9。 Let's have your counteroffer。
请还个价。熟记还价十二句商务英语订货交流没问题 10。
Still, I think it unwise for either of us to insist on his own price。不过,我认为彼此都坚持自己的费用是不明智的。
11。 We think your offer is too high, which is difficult for us to accept。
我们认为你方的报价太高了,我方难以接受。订票托运等怎么说商务英语疯狂口语三十句 12。
Our offer is reasonable and realistic。 It comes in line with the prevailing market。
Exercise has a major part to play in preventing and combating disease.**锻炼在疾病防治方面发挥着重要作用。
Physical exercise administers to the circulation of the blood.**锻炼有助于血液循环.Exercise is conducive to good health.**锻炼有助于增强体质.**锻Pro or con, commitment to physical exercise is valuable to your health.不管赞成还是反对,参加**锻炼有益于健康. Physical exercise is beneficial to health of body and mind**运动的锻炼有益于身心健康Sports can improve the immune function, improve the body's ability to resist disease**运动能提高机体免疫功能,提高机体抗御疾病的能力Sports can cultivate good will quality**运动能培养良好的意志品质。
〖One〗、She failed to call the office to cancel her appointment. I'm going to call the employment agency for a job.她不曾去办公室辞去她的约会。我准备到职业介绍所去申请工作。
〖Two〗、Craft a brief, well-written cover letter to ilrate your professionalism and communication skills.精心制作一个简要的介绍信,封面要书写美观,来表明你的职业化和交际能力。
〖Three〗、可以考虑先介绍职位[经理],然后介绍主要服务对象[大客户] Manager Major Accounts Manager Key Accounts都可以。
〖Four〗、The administration of job referral agencies of Chinese-Foreign joint第十二条中外合资、中外合作职业介绍机构的管理适用《劳动力市场管理规定》和外商
〖Five〗、Tremaine was complaining about the labour exchange, the court of referees, the trade union.屈里曼在埋怨着职业介绍所、仲裁法庭、工会。
〖Six〗、In this article, new OHS measures for SSEs, their characteristics, and factors that shaped these measures are explained.在这篇文章中,将介绍小企业的新职业安全措施以及措施特性和形成因素。