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  1. 关于花的文艺短句英文
  2. 表达思念的英语句子



Flowers on the slope look like a group of yellow butterflies.(斜坡上的花朵看上去象一群黄蝴蝶)

Flowers on the slope look like a group of yellow butterflies.(斜坡上的花朵看上去象一群黄蝴蝶)

Those red roses lying on you writing-desk quietly, are picked from the Garden of my mind.(躺在你写字台上的那些红玫瑰采之我心的花园。)

Undefiled orange flowers are blossoming in the forest.

The flower looks like an angel, unfolded in the wind, under the sun.

Without you?I'd be a soul without a purpose.Without you?I'd be an emotion without a heartI'm a face without expression,A heart with no beat.Without you by my side,I'm just a flame without the没有你?我将是一个没有目的的灵魂;没有你?我的情感将没有了根基;我将是一张没有表情的脸;一颗停止跳动的心;没有你在我身边;我只是一束没有热量的火焰。

If you were a teardrop;In my eye,For fear of losing you,I would never cryAnd if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light,Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright如果你是我眼里的,一滴泪;为了不失去你;我将永不哭泣;如果金色的阳光,停止了它耀眼的光芒你的一个微笑,将照亮我的整个世界。If I were to fall in love,It would have to be with youYour eyes, your smile,The way you laugh,The things you say and doTake me to the places,My heart never knewSo, if I were to fall in love,It would have to be with you.Ed Walter如果说我已陷入情网;我的情人就是你;你的眼睛,你的微笑;你的笑脸;你说的一切,你做的一切;让我的心迷失了方向;所以,如果说我已陷入情网;我的爱人就是你。

Forgive me for needing you in my life;Forgive me for enjoying the beauty of your body and soul;Forgive me for wanting to be with you when I grow old原谅我生活中不能没有你;原谅我欣赏你躯体和心灵的美丽;原谅我希望永生永世和你在一起。My river runs to thee. Blue sea, wilt thou welcome me? My river awaits reply.Oh! sea, look graciously. Emily Dickinson我是一条朝你奔流而去的小溪,蓝色的大海啊,你愿意接纳我吗?优雅的大海啊,小溪正在等待你的回答。

All it took was one glance.Now all I ask is one chance,To try to win your heart.Just give me a chance to start.I'll show you it was meant to be诗.To be together is our destiny我对你一见钟情。我所要求的全部就是给我一个机会,以赢取你的芳心。

只要给我一个开始的机会,我将向你证明这是前世的安排,我俩的结合是冥冥之中的定数。Two star-crossed lovers in perfect harmony Just give me a chance and you will agree.I was meant for you.And you were meant for me.两个命运多舛的情人如此和谐地在一起,只要给我一线希望,你终将答应。

我为你而生,你因我而存在。Please forgive me for falling in love with you.Forgive me for loving you with all my heart.Forgive me for never wanting to be apart. Sandra Robbins Heaton请原谅我爱上你;原谅我用全部的身心爱你;原谅我永不愿与你分离。

Without you?I'd be a soul without a purpose.Without you?I'd be an emotion without a heart.I'm a face without expression,A heart with no beat.Without you by my side,I'm just a flame without the heat. Elle Kimberly Schmick没有你?我将是一个没有目的的灵魂;没有你?我的情感将没有了根基;我将是一张没有表情的脸;一颗停止跳动的心;没有你在我身边;我只是一束没有热量的火焰。If you were a teardrop;In my eye,For fear of losing you,I would never cry.And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light,Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright. Hannah Jo Keen如果你是我眼里的一滴泪;为了不失去你;我将永不哭泣;如果金色的阳光;停止了它耀眼的光芒;你的一个微笑,将照亮我的整个世界。

Forgive me for needing you in my life;Forgive me for enjoying the beauty of your body and soul;Forgive me for wanting to be with you when I grow old. Sandra Robbins Heaton原谅我生活中不能没有你;原谅我欣赏你躯体和心灵的美丽;原谅我希望永生永世和你在一起。There is a lady sweet and kind, Was never a face so pleased my mind;I did but see her passing by, And yet, I'll love her till I die. Thomas Ford有一位姑娘甜美又温柔;从未有一张脸让我如此心荡神摇;我只看见她经过;就会爱她到永远。

My favourite flower is(百合花)Lily. It is white in colour usually. It also have yellow, pink and red colour. It looks like a star. It grow up at China. I love Lily because it is fragrant and beautiful




this time do not miss the opportunity, alice like a gust of wind chasingafter the past. when the mouse heard it, he jumped out of the water,trembling."it's gone, what a pity!" when the mouse left sight, parrot justsighed, old crab took the opportunity of saying to her daughter:"oh, mydear, this is a lesson to tell you never to lose your temper."

Let one thousand flowers bloom.

One flower does not bring spring.

see through rose-colored glasses

To gild refined gold, to paint the lily.

April showers bring forth May flowers

There's no rose without a thorn

I like many flowers,but I like rose the best.Why?Because it is beautful and has lots colour:red,yellow,white,black and many,many colours…

Rose is the national flowers of Britain.Lots people like rose very much.The same as me.I always buy roses for my mum on her birthday.She likes rose very much too.In our class many girls think roses are the most beautful flower in the world,and me too.



It's been a week since you lost your beautiful appearance. It's like seven years. Throughout these seven days, your beautiful image has been appearing in my mind all the time!


Ruthlessness is not like sentimental suffering, an inch is also tens of millions of strands. When the ends of the earth are endless, there is only endless love.


When the moon bends, Miss also bends, when the moon is round, Miss also round, whether the moon is bending or round, miss is a beautiful poem.


I don't know how sad it is to say goodbye. I don't know how strong it is to say goodbye. Only separation, let time fet this tacit understanding.


Years like shuttles, take away how much happiness, sadness, can not take away only memory, in the silent light fragrance.


Every memory has a password, but I fot the only one left beeen you and me.


I neglect time because I wait for you to appear; I neglect distance because I wait for you to appear; I neglect language because I think you have not changed. Honey, I miss you.


Dogs don't lose weight because they don't miss them. People are thin because they miss others. People are always tormented by missing. They are poor stray dogs in missing.


Mountains and rivers can separate people from each other, but they cannot separate the heart from the heart, whether you go to the ends of the earth. My heart is always with you.


In a hurry of time, we are all old, only to keep remembering; in fantasy, to restore ourselves to the appearance of young*** s.


My heart is already full of red mountains and forests, this dry season, miss is fire, inadvertently think of you.


Oh, this river of yearning is an inexhaustible river! It flows day and night, ceaselessly, all to your heart, all to the sea of love!


Blue sky and blue sea have a long way to go. You and I have endless feelings. I will miss you deeply and turn it into hope and blessings.


Think of you, thoughts like a continuous flow of clouds to you, time seems to no longer flow, stay in that wonderful moment.


If I bee loess, loess also loves you; if loess is covered with grass, grass loves you; if grass is covered with dew, dew also loves you.


You are like the duckweed in the water, moving in all directions, which makes me hard to figure out. Can you tell me how to catch up with you and stay with you?


Then one day, no longer in love, the o people who were very close became very far, even farther than before.


Sitting on the park bench with you, reading our respective books and listening to our favorite music.


Every day I miss you, you know that I have a heart, see you feel close to you, and if you are close to you, the heart of yearning often invades, and a poem is written for you to sing.


These days, I really know what is falling in love, that kind of yearning, that kind of confusion, that kind of uneasiness, how pestering and tormenting ah.


Tomorrow you are going on a voyage. Please put the gift of this*** all step on your chest. It will turn into your faith and strength and inspire you to overe the storm.


Lonely soul, tearful eyes, loneliness like sea, sadness like sail, unable to send thoughts, want to tell lovesickness finally speechless, good to see, your face.


If you have to be separated, you should say goodbye and be grateful to him for giving you a memory.


My beloved bookmark, ten thousand times, has a feeling that it has no beginning and no result, but it always occupies me, that is, the feeling of missing you.


I miss you not because I am lonely, but because I miss you. The feeling of loneliness is so heavy, just because I think too much.


Roses open in September, my heart only you, want to be with you, nothing to give you, only a sentence I love you!


Leave too long, miss too deep, often lost in endless expectations; winter night under the lamp, the past story, always arouse my endless thoughts.


People's life is very short. No matter what happens to them, it's worthwhile for me to go back. My heart and pain are all on my way to success.


It's the careless bartender who mixes helplessness and concern so that I can't wake up even when I'm drunk. It's not the taste, but when I miss you.


The cold current can not cool my love, the hurricane can not blow away my missing, the noise can not hide my voice, the night can not cover my deep feelings, I really miss you!


When you encounter difficulties and setbacks, don't hesitate to tell me that I may not be able to help you, but I hope I can share with you and listen to your distress.


Miss through mountains and rivers button your doors and windows, you can find the petals in front of the window more than a crystal tear.


How many contingencies does life consist of? Who can explain clearly? Every contingency brings you sweet and bitter, is your most precious wealth in this life.


My beloved bookmark has a feeling that it has no beginning and no result, but it always occupies me, that is, the feeling of missing you.


How I wish time would stop its steps and let us review the past. How I wish I could be with you and share your friendship with you.


Beautiful gatherings e on schedule, the meaningful Lyric hanging on the tired guitar, the past has bee a long song, always appear in the sunset days.


Miss you, from mouth to heart, from morning to night, from time to time, everywhere, I miss you! A strong desire to be with you!


Your eyes blink, I die, your eyes blink again, I e back to life, your eyes blink, so I die and live.


It's painful to miss you when I'm lonely, sweet to miss you when I'm happy.


You are the spring in my memory brilliant, you are the water in my heart gentle, you are far away in my missing approach, you are the scenery in my life forever!


Life seldom encounters bosom friends, your words, eyes, every move, will bring endless warmth. The long road of life from now on, not afraid of the cold, not very lonely.


Fate let me meet you, feeling let me like you, time let me fall in love with you, miss Let me remember you, heartache let me think of you.


Missing is a kind of happy sadness, a kind of sweet melancholy, a kind of warm pain. Missing is the long indulgence of yesterday and the yearning for a better future.


I constantly fall into, too much care, want to keep you, can not see the end of love, the heart will never be calm, will not be satisfied.


Although I haven't spoken to you for a long time, sometimes I think back to my school days and think of you inadvertently.


If not for loving you, how can you not sleep late at night, every thought about you, I miss you, miss you so much.


If it's wrong to love you, then I don't want to be right. If it's right to lose you, I'd rather be wrong all my life.


Want to lie in your arms again, want to let you wipe my tears again, want to let you hold me tight again, want to kiss your face again, want you to say love me!


The saddest distance in the world is that o people are very far apart and do not know each other. Suddenly, one day, they meet and love each other, and the distance bees very close.


Some things, some people, if deliberately to fet, then it means that they do not want to fet at all, feelings in the end, it is really their own thing.


You leave behind the image of flowers, you leave behind the fragrance of flowers, you leave behind the hope of our mon watering. Think of you, my years are always bright and beautiful.


I hope you can remember me when you leave. Don't ask if tomorrow will be the same in a changeable world.


Thousands of thoughts solidify in the air. Wind blowing to you, with my blessing, loneliness I do not care, you happy I will be satisfied, think you are my happiness!


Since I saw you that time, my soul seems to have been photographed by you. Your shadow occupies every memory of me. Can you understand my obsession?


Nothing is more painful than parting, but love is being more and more profound and clear in remote sensing and missing.


I hold the air as the postman, bind my warm greetings and miss into a package, printed with a sincere postmark, Dougherm Express, the recipient is you.


Your face is so beautiful, your people are so good, think you want to panic, love you so nervous, do not know how to open your mouth. Will you marry me?


Looking back on the days when we were together, my heart was lost. Your energetic body always acpanies the moonlight into my dream, let me worry about it.


Think of you, read you, hope you, love you, drunk you, dream you! After drunk you know the wine is strong, don't know the back is heavy!


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